Nature has given every human being the capacity to adjust any imbalance within the body. To do so, we use our self-healing power
Body and mind in balance
Everyone experiences stress or tension at one time or another. For some this leads to physical symptoms such as back pain, chronic headaches or fatigue. Others feel emotionally off balance, or feel down and suffer from mood swings. If the symptoms get worse or continue for too long, many people are no longer capable of recovering on their own. Shiatsu, Seiki and Hot Stone massage can help to restore the balance between body and mind.
Most health insurance companies cover Shiatsu therapy.
Member of Iokai Shiatsutherapeuten Vereniging (V.I.S./Dutch Association of Iokai Shiatsu Practitioners)
Member of Stichting Register Beroepsbeoefenaren Natuurlijke Gezondheidszorg (SRBAG/Dutch Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners)